Saturday, 18 May 2013

Rintis Shift 2013

RINTIS stand for ‘Research and Innovation Towards Integration and Sustainability’. It is an annual exhibition to showcase the final year student’s best artwork in School of the Arts, USM.
• To introduce School of The Arts and Universiti Sains Malaysia by combining all final year students’ artworks from various art field in School of The Art.
• To promote arts to Universiti Sains Malaysia students, students of Higher Learning Institution, school kids and to the community in and outside of Penang.
• To give exposure to the public regarding the latest designs that could be made and produced by the students of Universiti Sains Malaysia.
• To show the ability of the final year students of Universiti Sains Malaysia is moving forward as the industrial demands.
• To attract the interest and to give chance to the students, and to attract agencies for giving out career opportunities for the students in related field.
• To train the students to communicate with each other in preparing for RINTIS.
• To give opportunities for the final year students of the School of Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia to organize an annual event besides participating in producing the art works to be exhibited in RINTIS.

RINTIS is a platform where fusion of various art and design disciplines such as Communication Graphic, New Media Design & Technology, Product Design, Fine Art, Music and Drama & Theatre will come forth, collaborate and showcase our best artwork

SHIFT symbolically represent our goals to bring the transformation through art, design, media, music and performance with cross-disciplinary approach in championing the needs of creative industry and the sustainability for future generation, especially in this time of rapid convergence of technology and time-based media.

RINTIS SHIFT 2013 will be presented to you in the natural environment of leading learning institutions in Malaysia, where we dig our knowledge, develop our skills and earn our undergraduate degrees

In conjunction with Rintis, Studio Terap Ulang will hold an Open Studio from Monday May 20th. until Wednesday May 22nd.

All are invited to visit our studio and attend our printmaking demonstrations.

Our guests from Thaksin University, Thailand will demonstrate on the process of aluminium plate lithography .

Some of the photos taken at the workshop/ demonstration

DAY ONE, Monday 20th., May

 Encik Mat Desa making his marks on the aluminium plate
 Guests from Thaksin University, Thailand doing demonstration on the usage of various greasy materials for drawing and painting on the plate.

DAY TWO, Tuesday 21st., May

 Saiful Kadir of Terap Ulang at the press,
All the participants enjoyed the workshop and demonstrations very much!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the open invitation to the Open Studio demo available until this Wed 22/5. We have blogged it in our printmaking blog and linked your blog to ours.

    All the best to future & current printmakers!
